
The Power of Telenovelas: Spanish-Language Programming And Consumer Behavior

Telenovelas, with their dramatic storylines, compelling characters, and emotional depth, hold unique sway over Hispanic American audiences. For the uninitiated, a telenovela is a specific type of serial drama or soap opera primarily produced in Latin America. 

Even Erik Estrada, famously from the ’70s cop show CHiPS, was on a telenovela called Dos mujeres, un camino in the early ’90s. The telenovela format is so popular, that the ABC series Ugly Betty, was based on a Colombian show called Yo soy Betty la fea. IMDb lists Yo soy Betty la fea as the most popular telenovela of the past 20 years. While soap operas are getting canceled, a recent Nielsen study found that the viewership for telenovelas has risen to 5.6 million people. 

These serialized dramas are not merely forms of entertainment but serve as cultural touchstones that deeply influence the attitudes, perceptions, and consumer behaviors of millions of Hispanic Americans. 

As of 2021, there were approximately 62.5 million Hispanic Americans in the U.S., which is expected to grow steadily in the coming decades. The purchasing power of this demographic is impressive, expected to reach $2.4T by the end of 2024, and with a median age of 30 years old, Hispanic Americans are firmly on the radar of brands who want to reach them. 

With nearly 3 in 4 Hispanic Americans watching Spanish-language TV, understanding the impact of telenovelas and Spanish-language programming is pivotal for brands seeking to connect with this audience. Here, we’ll delve into the dynamics of this cultural phenomenon and explore strategies for brands seeking to engage effectively with the Latin American demographic. 

First, here’s a quick snapshot that proves that Spanish-language programming is indeed big business: media company TelevisaUnivision recently reported $806M revenue growth for 2023, a 5 percent increase from the previous year. This growth was due in part to an 11 percent increase in subscriptions for the streamer service ViX. Of the share of Hispanic American households with a TV, 61 percent have a smart TV, and 70 percent have a US Netflix subscription. 

Telenovelas Are Culturally Significant for Latin Americans

Telenovelas are central to Hispanic American culture, transcending borders and language barriers to captivate and entertain audiences worldwide. These popular melodramas typically revolve around the themes of love, betrayal, family, and societal issues, reflecting the complexities of everyday life with a dose of the kind of soapy cheekiness that has led them to extend their reach even beyond Hispanic American audiences. 

What sets telenovelas apart is their ability to resonate with viewers on a deeply emotional level, eliciting empathy, excitement, and suspense with each episode. 

One of the most compelling aspects of telenovelas for viewers is their unique accessibility and inclusivity. Regardless of socio-economic status or educational background, people from all walks of life tune in to follow the trials and triumphs of their favorite characters. 

While many of the stories in these dramas might center on a singular, wealthy, and powerful family or couple, the plotlines also often feature characters from further down on the economic scale, as well as clergy. This gives viewers a character that they can relate to personally, regardless of their background. 

Telenovelas serve as a form of cultural currency, creating communal viewing experiences and sparking conversations that transcend generational and demographic boundaries. 

The Influence of Telenovelas on Latin American Consumer Behavior

The impact of telenovelas and Spanish-language programming on consumer behavior is multifaceted and far-reaching. Unlike soap operas, which typically air during the late morning and afternoon, telenovelas are broadcast during primetime, when families gather to catch up on their favorite shows, making telenovelas optimal for brands that want to get in front of this growing audience. 

According to iSpot’s TV transparency report, from 2022 and 2023, the number of brands advertising in Spanish grew by 27 percent. In addition, the same report indicates that there were 368 billion Spanish-language TV ad impressions, an increase of 19.3 percent, leading to an overall Spanish-language ad spend of $1.89B in 2023.

Here’s another quick snapshot of the top-performing ad categories for Spanish-language TV ads, according to recent data from EDO: 

  • Spanish-language automotive ads, on average, perform 35 percent stronger than ads on English-language TV. 
  • Mercedes-Benz saw stronger consumer engagement following the airing of a Spanish-language ad than with an English-language ad that aired on Spanish-language TV. 
  • Ads for both travel and pharmaceuticals on Spanish-language TV performed better than their English-language counterparts, at 31 percent and 69 percent, respectively. 

Several key factors contribute to the influence of telenovelas and there are opportunities for brands to activate these factors and engage with the Hispanic American audience: 

  • Emotional Engagement: Telenovelas evoke a range of emotions, from joy and laughter to sadness and suspense. Viewers develop deep emotional connections with characters, forming attachments beyond the screen. 

These emotional bonds can translate into consumer loyalty and affinity for brands that have cultivated relationships with beloved telenovela franchises or endorsed by popular actors.  

  • Aspirational Lifestyle: Telenovelas often portray aspirational lifestyles characterized by luxury, romance, and glamour. Viewers are drawn to the opulent settings, stylish wardrobes, and extravagant gestures depicted in these dramas, aspiring to emulate the ideals of beauty and success portrayed on screen. 

Brands that align themselves with these aspirational themes can tap into the desires and aspirations of their target audience. 

  • Cultural Identity and Representation: Telenovelas play a crucial role in shaping cultural identity and representation in the  Hispanic American community. By featuring diverse casts and storylines that reflect Hispanic America’s rich tapestry of cultures and traditions, telenovelas provide viewers with a sense of pride and belonging. 

Brands that successfully embrace cultural diversity and authenticity can resonate more deeply with consumers and encourage strong emotional connections that can result in long-term consumer loyalty. 

  • Product Placement and Brands Integration: Like many TV shows and movies, telenovelas seamlessly integrate brands and products into their narratives, blurring the lines between entertainment and advertising. From household items to luxury goods, product placements in telenovelas can influence consumer perceptions and preferences, driving demand for featured products and services. 

So what steps can brands take to reach and engage with Hispanic American consumers via Spanish-language programming? To leverage the influence of telenovelas effectively, brands can employ some of the following strategies to get in front of this demographic alongside their favorite characters: 

  • Authentic Storytelling: Brands wanting to reach this audience should strive to tell authentic stories that resonate with the cultural values and experiences of Hispanic American consumers. 

By weaving narratives that reflect the aspirations, challenges, and triumphs of their target audience, brands can encourage meaningful connections and build important brand loyalty over time. 

  • Strategic Partnerships: Collaborating with telenovela productions, networks, and influencers allows brands to amplify their reach and engagement within the Hispanic American market. 

Whether through sponsorships, integrated marketing campaigns, or digital activations, strategic partnerships enable brands to align themselves with the ethos and aesthetic of popular telenovelas, enhancing their relevance and appeal to consumers. 

  • Digital Engagement and Social Media: In an increasingly digital environment, brands must leverage social media platforms and digital channels to engage with Hispanic American consumers beyond traditional television audiences. In 2022, NBCUniversal Telemundo debuted Tplus, a content brand launched within Peacock serving the full range of diversity in the Hispanic market in the U.S. 

Elements like interactive content, behind-the-scenes footage, and smart influencer collaborations can deepen consumer engagement and help build community among fans of telenovelas and Spanish-language programming. 

  • Attention to Cultural Sensitivity and Inclusivity: Brands should approach their marketing efforts with specific attention to cultural sensitivity and inclusivity, respecting the diverse perspectives and traditions prevalent across all of Latin America. 6 in 10 Hispanic consumers state that authenticity is one of the qualities they find most appealing in a brand. 

Embracing cultural nuances and celebrating the richness of Hispanic American heritage helps brands build trust and encourage authentic messaging to their audience. Done effectively, this helps pave the way for long-term success and lasting brand advocacy. 

Spanish-language television and telenovelas, in particular, wield significant influence over the consumer behavior of Hispanic American audiences. Recognizing the cultural power of this programming and activating strategies that resonate with viewers helps brands effectively and meaningfully engage with this growing demographic and build connections that endure far beyond the screen. 

In a landscape shaped by storytelling, the pull that telenovelas have on their audience presents brands with a compelling opportunity to create lasting relationships with Hispanic American consumers.